Monday, December 28, 2009

Pertukaran Nama-Nama Syarikat di Bawah Kumpulan THP

Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa, anak-anak syarikat dibawah kumpulan TH Plantations Berhad yang terlibat dengan pertukaran nama adalah seperti berikut:-

Nama Lama
Nama Baru
TH Peladang Sdn. Bhd.
THP Ibok Sdn. Bhd.
23 November 2009
Ladang Bangka Ulu Sdn. Bhd.
THP Gemas Sdn. Bhd.
24 November 2009
Ladang Bukit Belian Sdn. Bhd.
THP Bukit Belian Sdn. Bhd.
23 November 2009
Ladang Sawit Bintulu Sdn. Bhd.
THP Kota Bahagia Sdn. Bhd.
24 November 2009
Syarikat Sabaco Sdn. Bhd.
THP Sabaco Sdn. Bhd.
11 Disember 2009

Oleh yang demikian, segala perkara yang menggunakan nama syarikat-syarikat di atas seperti yang terdapat di “letter head”, cop Syarikat, invoice atau apa sahaja yang berkaitan dengan nama Syarikat-Syarikat yang disebutkan di atas, harus menggunakan “FORMAT” nama baru seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah:-

1) THP IBOK SDN. BHD. (dahulunya dikenali sebagai TH Peladang Sdn. Bhd.) (No. Syarikat 49833-T)

2) THP GEMAS SDN. BHD. (dahulunya dikenali sebagai Ladang Bangka Ulu Sdn. Bhd.) (No. Syarikat 178811-V)

3) THP BUKIT BELIAN SDN. BHD. (dahulunya dikenali sebagai Ladang Bukit Belian Sdn. Bhd.) (No. Syarikat 54056-P)

4) THP KOTA BAHAGIA SDN. BHD. (dahulunya dikenali sebagai Ladang Sawit Bintulu Sdn. Bhd.) (No. Syarikat 413912-H)

5) THP SABACO SDN. BHD. (dahulunya dikenali sebagai Syarikat Sabaco Sdn. Bhd.) (No. Syarikat 35970-K)

Untuk sebarang pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan pertukaran nama syarikat-syarikat di atas, sila rujuk kepada Bahagian Perundangan dan Kesetiausahaan.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

When you fail to plan you plan to fail! - Year 1431/2010

We are about to close the chapter of 1430 Hijrah and are about to step into the year 1431 Hijrah. Muharram being the first month of the Islamic calendar reminds us of our last year’s deeds and thoughts as well as an outlook into the year to come.

Quoting from Holy Qur'an, a number of us remind ourselves and each other that Allah (SWT) is the best of planners. However, most of us often forget or neglect the importance of planning in our own lives.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, himself was a masterful planner, making well-thought out decisions about his personal life as well as the community he established.

We may have a general idea of what we want to accomplish in life and how to go about doing so. But most of the time, we coast along, hoping for the best, working hard but not necessarily in a focused manner. Planning helps us really hone in on what we want and accomplish things which, on the surface, seemed impossible.

For Allah (SWT), nothing is impossible and He values and rewards not just hard work, but focused planning as well. Getting to Jannah requires a plan as well, and it doesn't just involve working hard, but focusing on those things that will help us attain the greatest of all goals.

This week, as we prepare for the coming of the Islamic New Year as well as the Gregorian one, let us put down in writing, whether that’s in a notebook, a page in our calendars, a file in our computers, or on a PDA, a rough plan for the next 12 months.

If you've never done this before, it may seem odd at first. But just start the process and see where it takes you. You'll be surprised at the results!

Allah (SWT) is indeed the best of planners

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Peringatan dari PDRM

Tips menghalang jenayah seperti yang diberi oleh Polis DiRaja Malaysia.

1.  Jangan biarkan anak-anak tidur di ruang tamu seorang diri (Mereka mungkin menggunakan anak sebagai tebusan).

2.  Kunci atau sorokkan semua pisau-pisau yang terdapat di dapur
sebelum tidur (Kesemua kes kecurian di dapati pisau hilang dan menurut polis mereka akan mencari pisau dahulu sebelum mencuri bertujuan untuk melindungi diri mereka).

3.  Sekiranya terdengar/terlihat paip air di luar rumah terbuka pada
tengah malam (pukul 12 ke atas), jangan keluar rumah untuk menutup
paip tersebut kerana ini adalah taktik terbaru mereka di mana mereka telah menunggu diluar pintu rumah untuk masuk (Kes terbaru berlaku di Dungun dan PJ).

4.  Beritahu anak-anak sekiranya hendak ke tandas (jika tandas jauh) di waktu tengah malam, kejutkan ibubapa untuk bersama mereka.

5.  Jangan simpan barang-barang kemas di dalam almari baju (Cara

6.  Bawa alarm kereta bersama semasa tidur, kalau terjaga tengah malam, cuba "on and off" kan balik untuk menakutkan pencuri (Menandakan kita sentiasa peka).

7.  Tekan butang merah alarm kereta anda jika anda mengesyaki pencuri
sudah masuk ke dalam rumah.

8.  Sekiranya terlihat orang asing yang mencurigakan di kawasan rumah
anda, sila dapatkan plet no motor/kereta mereka (Selalunya mereka ini
naik motor dan mereka ni biasanya berdua, setiap kali kita lalu depan
mereka, mereka akan menundukkan kepala).

9.  Pesan dengan jiran, sekiranya ada sesiapa yang datang ke rumah anda dan mengaku saudara anda bertujuan untuk mengambil barang-barang, jangan benarkan, beri nombor telefon pejabat kepada jiran supaya mereka boleh memaklumkan pada anda.

10. Semasa tidur, pastikan handphone anda berada di sisi atau pastikan juga Cordless Phone anda berada di sisi anda ataupun sambungkan satu extension dalam kamar tidur anda. Ini memudahkan anda membuat panggilan kecemasan sekiranya anda terasa kehadiran pencuri di dalam rumah anda.

11. Adakan senarai nombor telefon kecemasan 999 seperti polis, bomba , 991 atau sebagainya. Pastikan nombor-nombor ini disimpan dalam
Handphone anda. Kalau boleh, hafal nombor tersebut. Ini memudahkan
anda untuk membuat sebarang panggilan telefon.

12. Kalau berkemampuan, pasangkan alat pengesan kecurian di rumah atau automatik alarm.

13. Lampu porch & lampu belakang rumah sebaiknya jenis automatik ,ia akan menyala bila malam, baik semasa kita ada di rumah atau pergi makan angin.

14. Kalau perlu mengambil cuti panjang,sentiasa memberitahu jiran2
anda supaya mereka dapat membantu menyimpan surat dlm mail box. Peti surat yg penuh membantu pencuri menghidu ketiadaan tuan rumah.

15. Kalau kawasan anda kerap berlaku kecurian, buat permohonan rasmi
Dari Balai Polis berdekatan supaya ada anggota polis buat rondaan yang kerap di kawasan anda.

16. Kereta PROTON merupakan kenderaan yang paling mudah dicuri. Kalau
kereta anda baru dibeli, sekurang-kurangnya anda perlu mengunci gear & stering sebelum tidur (Sebenarnya masih boleh dicuri, tetapi ia dapat membantu melambatkan pencuri).

17. Kalau ada anak-anak perempuan, sebaik-baiknya pintu biliknya
dikunci dari dalam (Sebab ada pencuri yg mengambil kesempatan seksual) dan anda perlu ada kunci pendua sekiranya berlaku kebakaran.

18. Sekurang-kurangnya simpan kayu hoki atau baseball di bawah katil
Anda buat mempertahankan diri dari pencuri yang ganas.

19. Jangan letak kunci bawah pasu bunga/mail box/alang pintu/tepi
Tingkap bila keluar (Pencuri dah lama tau taktik ni...). Lebih selamat beri pada jiran yang kita kenal rapat.

20. Kalau menyewa di rumah baru, pastikan anda menukar padlock
baru,kerana mungkin penyewa terdahulu masih mempunyai kunci pendua.

21. Kurangkan pendedahan dan pergaulan anda dengan pekerja asing.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Dari Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas.

Kesihatan dan keselamatan pekerjaan meruapakan satu bidang yang bertujuan melindungi kesihatan, keselamatan dan kebajikan pekerja. Keselamatan tempat kerja merupakan suatu aspek penting di dalam sesebuah organisasi syarikat. Ia merupakan salah satu tanggungjawab majikan di bawah Akta Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan 1994 Malaysia untuk mengambil berat tentang kesihatan dan keselamatan para pekerja ketika bekerja di dalam sesebuah syarikat. Akta ini dikawalselia oleh Jabatan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan dari Kementerian Sumber Manusia.


Keselamatan Pekerjaan diperkenalkan oleh Jabatan Kilang dan Jentera dari Kementerian Sumber Manusia berikutan insiden letupan kilang mercun di Sungai Buloh yang berlaku pada 1994. Ketika berlakunya kejadian tersebut, berpuluh-puluh pekerja terperangkap dan terkorban di dalam insiden tersebut.

Selepas 1994, Sebuah akta ditubuhkan dan diberi nama Akta Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan. Jabatan Kilang dan Jentera mula menguatkuasakan akta ini dan seterusnya nama jabatan tersebut ditukar kepada Jabatan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan.


Akta Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan 1994 dirangka berdasarkan enam prinsip iaitu:

  • Pemcegahan kemalangan adalah sebahagian daripada aspek penting pengurusan dan kemahiran yang baik
  • Pihak pengurusan dan pekerja mestilah bekerjasama dalam memastikan tempat kerja bebas daripada sebarang kemalangan
  • Penglibatan pihak atasan adalah diutamakan dalam memimpin perlaksanaan keselamatan di tempat kerja
  • Dasar keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan hendaklah dirangka dan diketahui oleh semua pekerja di tempat kerja
  • Organisasi dan sumber yang perlu hendaklah dibangun dan disediakan bagi menyokong ke arah kesihatan dan keselamatan pekerjaan
  • Pengetahuan dan kaedah tersedia yang terbaik digunakan

Keenam-enam prinsip tadi merupakan asas di dalam pembinaan dan perangkaan Akta Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan 1994.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Pulau Pinang yang dikenali sebagai Mutiara Timur, merupakan tempat pertembungan eksotik antara yang lama dan baru - sebuah pusat pelabuhan, bandar warisan dan pengkalan industri, dipenuhi pelbagai peristiwa, budaya dan makanan yang lazat!

Tidak jauh dari kesibukan Pulau Mutiara ini, terdapat sebuah kompleks penginapan yang mampu memenuhi keperluan penginapan, seminar, kursus, majlis keraian dan sebagainya.

Cuti persekolahan merupakan saat dan ketika yang terbaik untuk bersama keluarga bercuti di Pulau Pinang. Batu Feringghi, Padang Kota, Butterfly’s Farm, Botanical garden, Gurney’s Drive, Penang Hill, Toy Museum, War Museum, Little India, Masjid Terapung, Masjid Kapitan Keling dan PESTA PULAU PINANG serta banyak lagi tempat-tempat menarik yang boleh anda kunjungi.

Banyak berbelanja? Ya, tetapi anda boleh berjimat dengan menginap di Bilik Penginapan Kompleks Tabung Haji Bayan Lepas. Diskaun yang sangat menarik menanti buat seluruh anggota TH. Sila hubungi petugas kami untuk membuat tempahan.

Jom Pi Penang!...

04-6412286 / 84

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The RSPO — Supporting rainforest destruction and climate change — Bustar Maitar

NOV 9 — Last week the Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) met in Kuala Lumpur to continue its work promoting “sustainable” palm oil. While the RSPO markets itself as the solution to the environmental and social problems of the oil palm industry, it is, in practice, failing in its mission. Once again a number of influential palm oil producers, like Sinar Mas, blocked the introduction of environmental safeguards, this time a Greenhouse Gas (GHG), standard that would dramatically reduce climate emissions by protecting the carbon rich forests and peat lands of Indonesia and Malaysia. Instead, the RSPO agreed to continue talking about developing a standard for another year, whilst the growers carry on with business as usual under the flag of RSPO. Producers are also now only willing to develop a voluntary rather than a mandatory standard, dealing another huge blow to the credibility of the Roundtable.

Major companies buying palm oil, like Unilever and NestlĂ©, want to rely on the RSPO to tackle the issue of deforestation for palm oil. By committing to purchasing “sustainable” palm oil they hope to disassociate themselves from the problems of this industry. However the theory is not working in practice as they purchase from RSPO members like Sinar Mas who are involved with forest and peat land clearance all over Indonesia.

Such expansion into carbon and wildlife rich forests is taking place at the same time that the Malaysian Palm Oil Association (MPOA) and GAPKI, the Indonesian palm oil association, are aggressively promoting new markets for “sustainable” palm oil. This includes increasingly wild claims that palm oil provides a climate friendly solution to carbon intensive fossil fuels, in transport, biofuels and energy production. This absolutely ignores the massive emissions from deforestation connected to the palm oil and other sectors, which cause about one fifth of global emissions.

Whilst happy to peddle the myth that palm oil as biofuel is good for the climate, the same associations and their member companies are less happy about having to prove their claims. Instead, producers are trying to weaken existing RSPO standards and are successfully blocking the introduction of a strong greenhouse gas standard, a change that in theory would be beneficial for the climate.

The industry associations have been claiming that changes to the RSPO would violate a nation’s sovereign right to clear forests, claiming that proposals are “protectionist” measures to stop the growth of the sector. However the only reason the RSPO has not agreed to a strong greenhouse gas standard is because Indonesian and Malaysian producers are not prepared to stop clearing forests and peatlands. Simply put, it is short-term business interests, not sovereignty that is calling the shots. In this context environmental and social issues go out the window.

Allowing the producers to bully the RSPO in this way completely undermines its credibility and in effect gives RSPO members a licence to continue deforestation and drive climate change. This makes a mockery of RSPO claims to sustainability and thwarts the efforts of companies that are genuinely interested in breaking the link between deforestation and palm oil. Companies like Proctor and Gamble and Unilever cannot claim to support an end to deforestation for palm oil on one hand whilst continuing commercial relationships with companies like Sinar Mas on the other. Now that the RSPO has failed to address the issue of GHG, it is up to consumer companies to demand strict greenhouse gas standards from producers and to end contracts with companies who will not stop deforestation for palm oil.

Bustar Maitar is a Greenpeace Southeast Asia Forest campaigner —

Palm oil kills breast cancer cells

Scientists in Singapore have discovered a natural compound in palm oil that can kill breast cancer cells.
The compound, called gamma-tocotrienol, which was extracted in its natural form from palm oil, demonstrated powerful cancer-killing properties, according to findings by Davos Life Science Singapore, a research and development centre.
In a statement today, the centre said the compound could be found at low levels in food sources such as palm oil, barley and rice bran.
The centre said its scientists partnered with the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong and the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre in conducting the cancer study.
The study showed during in-vitro experiments, the natural compound demonstrated greater potency than ‘Docetaxel’, a commonly-used chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer.
This was the first tocotrienol study to identify the key upstream regulators that mediated breast cancer progression and invasion, the centre said.
The compound was also found to suppress the invasive ability of breast cancer cells to spread to other organs via metastasis.
While the doses of gamma-tocotrienol showed positive anti-cancer effects, they did not affect the normal cell functions of healthy cells, the study found.
Davos Life Science was set up in 2004, as a manufacturer that isolates and purifies natural tocotrienol, for use in supplements, functional food, personal care and pharmaceutical formulations. It has established the world’s largest R&D centre dedicated to tocotrienol and the world’s largest manufacturing facility for the production of natural tocotrienol. – Bernama

Definition Of Sustainability Dampens Palm Oil Exports To Europe

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 29 (Bernama) -- First it was the health issue, then the environment and now palm oil has to endure further sustainability criteria for imports to Europe.

"The definition of sustainability is being expanded. We are going to lose market share if we did not do anything," director-general of Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Datuk Dr Mohd Basri Wahid, told Bernama in Brussels recently.

Basri was a member of the recent palm oil and timber delegation to Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium headed by Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Tan Sri Bernard Dompok.

The mission was organised by Malaysian Palm Oil Council and Malaysian Timber Council.

Among others, it aims to improve market access for palm oil and timber products as well as disseminate information on efforts taken on the issue of their sustainability.

The European Union (EU) has set a target of 20 per cent renewable energy sources in its energy consumption by 2020 and that biofuel would account for 10 per cent of the renewable energy use in the transport sector.

Expecting a spike in demand, the EU Renewable Energy Directive has provided a number of sustainability criteria, among them, biofuel production must have minimum greenhouse gas (GHG) savings of 35 per cent by 2010 when compared to fossil fuel.

The directive also said areas with high carbon stock such as peatlands or areas with high biodiversity such as primary forest should not be used for biofuels production.

Basri said there was also the "indirect land use change" criteria, or "iLUC".

The "iLUC" is the unintended consequence of releasing more carbon emissions due to land use changes induced by the expansion of crop land for biofuel production, the phenomenon whereby producing biomass at one location, rainforests are destroyed at another.

The directive requires the European Commission to prepare a report by 2010 on the issue of iLUC, reviewing the impact that biofuels have, either directly or via displacement, on land use change and associated GHG emissions.

"They are going into iLUC without proper studies," said Basri, lamenting how palm oil was earlier subjected to one-sided view on its default value with regard to GHG savings.

He said under the EU calculations, palm oil has carbon emission savings of 19 per cent and soyabean 31 per cent, both below the 35 per cent threshold which showed some political manipulation.

"We provide our data but they don't. My researchers have gone to Brussels but they (the EU) never disclose (their data). They have the final say," he said.

It was reported that the GHG savings for rapeseed was 38 per cent, sunflower 51 per cent and sugar cane ethanol 71 per cent.

Basri said as the EU's GHG savings target would gradually be increased from 35 to 60 per cent by 2017, it was critical for Malaysian producers to trap the methane at the mills which would show a much higher GHG savings.

He said the government has provided a RM1.2 billion soft loan and it was up to the industry to take it up to improve their processes.

"If there is this lackadaisical attitude, don't blame us. The government has done its part with the money and now it is up to the private sector," he said.

Basri said Malaysia has also cooperated with Indonesia by forming sub-working groups to discuss common strategy with regard to the EU directive.

It was understood the sustainability criteria had been perceived by the palm oil industry in both countries as trade barriers, especially designed against palm oil.

He said the EU was singing the same tune in wanting to make sure that the production of palm oil was sustainable and after this, they would have to think of something else.

"While the recent palm oil mission saw some understanding by the ministers of the countries concerned, they still had to listen to the non-governmental organisations," he said.

Basri said for example, one of the ministers he met was convinced that palm oil production was sustainable but it would be a great task to convince all the other 26 states within the EU.

He said, however, there were people who understood the situation and hoped that Malaysian companies could enjoy incentives from EU government after certifying palm oil was sustainable.


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