Thursday, December 24, 2009

When you fail to plan you plan to fail! - Year 1431/2010

We are about to close the chapter of 1430 Hijrah and are about to step into the year 1431 Hijrah. Muharram being the first month of the Islamic calendar reminds us of our last year’s deeds and thoughts as well as an outlook into the year to come.

Quoting from Holy Qur'an, a number of us remind ourselves and each other that Allah (SWT) is the best of planners. However, most of us often forget or neglect the importance of planning in our own lives.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, himself was a masterful planner, making well-thought out decisions about his personal life as well as the community he established.

We may have a general idea of what we want to accomplish in life and how to go about doing so. But most of the time, we coast along, hoping for the best, working hard but not necessarily in a focused manner. Planning helps us really hone in on what we want and accomplish things which, on the surface, seemed impossible.

For Allah (SWT), nothing is impossible and He values and rewards not just hard work, but focused planning as well. Getting to Jannah requires a plan as well, and it doesn't just involve working hard, but focusing on those things that will help us attain the greatest of all goals.

This week, as we prepare for the coming of the Islamic New Year as well as the Gregorian one, let us put down in writing, whether that’s in a notebook, a page in our calendars, a file in our computers, or on a PDA, a rough plan for the next 12 months.

If you've never done this before, it may seem odd at first. But just start the process and see where it takes you. You'll be surprised at the results!

Allah (SWT) is indeed the best of planners


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